"Homosexuality is an erotic attraction to persons of ones own sex, it includes sexual thoughts, feelings and fantasies and other overt sexual acts with persons of ones own sex." the host wanted to verify if only thoughts constituted a designation of being gay to which he responded "the volume of the literature on the subject the experts have included sexual thoughts and fantasies in the definition of homosexuality."
I managed to catch the program some two minutes into its run so I may have missed the initial introduction but on the question of the church's stance on homosexuality he responded: "As seventh day Adventists we believe sexual intimacy belongs only with the marital relationship of man and woman, this was God's design at creation God created Adam & Eve male and female Genesis 1:27 male and female created he them. He went on to clarify that the SDA was not homophobic but the biblical positions are what they follow but he affirms the human dignity of persons therefore persons should respect persons, "God hates the sin but loves the sinner." Homosexuality is no different from other sins he tried to point out.
He continued that, "homosexuality is a manifestation of disorder and brokenness in human inclination and is caused by sin coming into the world, we believe that while everyone is subject to fall by God's grace and encouragement of the community of faith .... should reach out in compassion to these individuals, should be God's heart or hands"
To the question if homosexuality is natural or learnt, genetic or cultural? he answered: "....this has been a long debate, as to whether or not persons are born homosexual or later on they learnt and embrace the behaviour, the studies done on the subject are not conclusive that there is any causal relationship between genetics or biology ....... all the findings have been controversial and speculative ...." on the social setting and family setting he concludes that "based on observation ones family setting and background shapes who that person becomes, socialization all objects and products if socialization, there have been studies that suggest a dominating mother or a weak ineffective father could shape the orientation or the inclination of the male towards homosexuality or the absent father or weak ineffective father could also influence a girl turning towards her own sex, past sexual experience, trauma, maybe the person was violated or raped by an older person or a child was exposed to the practice and sometimes this affects their self esteem and they practice later on as an alternative lifestyle.
The host suggested lesbians do not know how to relate to males so they become gay the girls may have gone to a girls school or have no brothers or have no exposure to males, Mr. Williams went on to add that sons feel ignored or rejected by fathers so he seeks it in other males as part of male bonding where persons take advantage suggesting paedophilia I think. Mr. Williams also said that if a mother distrust or fear males she can teach this to her sons or daughters which could influence sexual behaviour or ones orientation.
I thought orientation was more a genetic matter than a behavioural one.
Mr. Williams went on to quote Genesis 2:24 .... therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother and cleave to his wife .... sex is for pleasure and procreation in the context of marriage he was careful to say that the SDA does not condone singling out a particular group for scorn "We don't believe we should abuse persons or kill them because they are homosexuals but God's word condemns homosexuality" He said that through the redemptive process individuals can be helped to overcome homosexuality as they can any other sin. The restorative recommendations came near the end where he said "you might need to get counseling and intervention, change the environment, what you read"he continued that professional help is needed and an exercise of will. He discourages the habits once they have been discovered and try to enter a healthy home environment. He would look at what the person is watching or reading, he would present a healthy perspective of what a human sexuality should be.
"Homosexuality is a deviation from God's will"
Then as expected the Sodom and Gomorrah issue came up, he was quick to point out that homosexuality was not the only reason that God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah but because they refused to take the word of God and his compassion.
To contact the SDA office:
Communications Dept
Central Jamaica Conference SDA
P.O Box 81
Spanish Town
St. Catherine
Tel: 984 - 5576 0r 7
Here is what I could capture as I caught it after it began plus it was raining outside, apologies for the distortion:
Peace and tolerance
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