Gleaner's Lasmay strikes again ........
So some politicians still take Jamaicans for bug head buds as the latest desperate clawing for votes comes at a meeting where the Finance Minister claims that they will create 100,000 jobs (Phillips promises 100,000 jobs under next term for PNP); if in their present run hardly any jobs of note were created and in fact so many lay offs are in progress especially in the sugar industry is worrying. Then what is to come in March when the new budget is to be revealed with the austerity to be furthered entrenched as the International Monetary Fund, IMF conditionalities continue in the four year run even as we were said to be successful in passing the latest test, the ninth one.

remember this? it seems Dr Campbell is yet to live by his own words in chastising even his own let alone gays. That blurb was essentially damage control for him
Dr Dayton Campbell’s faux pas at a campaign meeting on the same user fee matter where he suggests fees must be reintroduced; again show his foot in mouth syndrome, remember the Lisa Hanna berating or the anti LGBT posture he took that he was forced to retract the points and issue a new statement.This was the same gentleman, Member of Parliament (MP) for North Western St Ann (photo above) in February 2013 got himself into a major controversy with his tweets on the Grammy win of gay artist Frank Ocean, Dr Campbell, while watching the awards ceremony, tweeted his reaction to R&B artiste Frank Ocean accepting an award. Ocean had last year disclosed that he had once been involved in a homosexual relationship.
The MP tweeted "Frank Ocean man fi have ooman pon dem mind. How di hell man end up on your mind massah?? Bob done tell you say man to man is so unjust!!!"
Dr Campbell was making reference to Ocean's hit single Thinking About You which is allegedly about his male lover.
His tweet, however, made many of his followers and other, Twitter users see red, as they felt he was insinuating negativity against homosexuals, while others argued that as a holder of a public office, he should be making more relevant comments.
"Really?? Dayton Campbell doan have NO other contribution to make to Twitter than a Frank Ocean comment? When di dollar is 95 for ONE USD?" said one Twitter user.
Another user posted, "I hope the Jamaican social media space makes this a teachable moment for a Jamaican politician. Dr Campbell, your hate will not be condoned."
While another user stated "Sista P would a shame a him. But she's busy working, working, working."
Dr Campbell said afterwards that it was a misunderstanding.
"They took a different interpretation of what was said, in my tweet I was talking about the content of the music, and the message that is being sent by the artiste. I was not attacking anyone's sexual orientation."
When asked if he thinks this blunder will affect his political future, he told a media outlet with fervour, "Absolutely not! I do not think it will have any impact at all, but if it should, my head will be bloody but unbowed." seems he has had a change of mind from some prodding somewhere.
If there is money being lost at the MOH and steps are taken to address such matters then why is it that after the PNP when in opposition now in power opposed the no user fee application just start charging again?
Answer: they would loose the election and possible more to come as they maybe blamed for reintroducing untold hardships. What needs to also happen with the health sector is making persons who can afford to pay via tax registration scrutiny and PAYE or employment records pay for same via an integrated network systems with the tax departments, health departments (NHF for example) and the private sector or employers. Some kind of card or registration system or PATHE or JADEP structure by implemented so the wheat can be separated from the tears.
Justice Minister reiterates his personal position on the Buggery Law, Anal Intercourse, Consent & Privacy
Portia Simpson - 'Uncouth behaviour of others to make me look less than polished'
When did anyone ask for gay marriage rights in Jamaica when we can't get basic tolerance ....
The MP tweeted "Frank Ocean man fi have ooman pon dem mind. How di hell man end up on your mind massah?? Bob done tell you say man to man is so unjust!!!"
Dr Campbell was making reference to Ocean's hit single Thinking About You which is allegedly about his male lover.
His tweet, however, made many of his followers and other, Twitter users see red, as they felt he was insinuating negativity against homosexuals, while others argued that as a holder of a public office, he should be making more relevant comments.
"Really?? Dayton Campbell doan have NO other contribution to make to Twitter than a Frank Ocean comment? When di dollar is 95 for ONE USD?" said one Twitter user.
Another user posted, "I hope the Jamaican social media space makes this a teachable moment for a Jamaican politician. Dr Campbell, your hate will not be condoned."
While another user stated "Sista P would a shame a him. But she's busy working, working, working."
Dr Campbell said afterwards that it was a misunderstanding.
"They took a different interpretation of what was said, in my tweet I was talking about the content of the music, and the message that is being sent by the artiste. I was not attacking anyone's sexual orientation."
When asked if he thinks this blunder will affect his political future, he told a media outlet with fervour, "Absolutely not! I do not think it will have any impact at all, but if it should, my head will be bloody but unbowed." seems he has had a change of mind from some prodding somewhere.
If there is money being lost at the MOH and steps are taken to address such matters then why is it that after the PNP when in opposition now in power opposed the no user fee application just start charging again?
Answer: they would loose the election and possible more to come as they maybe blamed for reintroducing untold hardships. What needs to also happen with the health sector is making persons who can afford to pay via tax registration scrutiny and PAYE or employment records pay for same via an integrated network systems with the tax departments, health departments (NHF for example) and the private sector or employers. Some kind of card or registration system or PATHE or JADEP structure by implemented so the wheat can be separated from the tears.
also see: I am the teacher, Portia declares ... marks JLP absent (Gleaner)
That can ease the practice of persons who can well afford or have insurance but do not use it to be absent at emergency rooms for non emergency matters and clogging up the systems. Even as a plea has been made for persons to use the type five health centres instead for lesser health matters as those are also user fee free persons prefer to go to the hospitals and wait thus making the service delivery frustrating.
also see: Fix It Quick! - PM Orders Shortcomings In Health Sector Corrected, Puts Spotlight On Administrators, Senior Medical Officers
Although her presentation last evening was a well rehearsed show, indeed election politicking she sounded more in charge it is too little too late as it took unusual pressure to get the results. The apology is too late for me as the damage is done and Ferguson’s removal to another ministry is just band aid remedies to supposedly reduce or nullify the strong criticisms and upset by the public also from within the PNP support base. Not to mention the possible impacts on grant aid from the EU or the UK or Global Fund as questions may well be circulating as to the previous tranches of funds for the health sector and administration of the regional health authorities.
If Dr Fenton Ferguson couldn’t handle the ministry of health then is it the labour and security ministry he will shine; does it send a message to the latter ministry of how lesser valued they are? The technocrats there may be worrying as to his abilities. He may be a good dentist or member of parliament but management skills is obviously lacking. Newly appointed Minister of Health Horace Daly is essentially charged to address the issues but he is not a super performing minister as a certain Reverend Education Minister despite his anti gay stance cloaked in hypocritical tolerance.
Rotting systems indeed
If they report came out by April or Mayor sooner and the obfuscations avoided then a solution could have been found way earlier instead of the mess we now find ourselves in. Let us also never forget the Chikungunya virus debacle with the same minister whose tenure is questionable now.
What about the other technocrats, the four board chairmen who serve at the minister’s pleasure and executives close to the ministry(er), will heads roll as well? The now infamous four for all intents and purposes have been made to infiltrate the systems barring proper academic for at least three qualifications scripted a statement effectively insulting the media and claimed to be nauseous as to the vigilance by the media while declaring the system is the envy of the world. I want to see blood for this one as many other Jamaicans do, for too long administrations JLP and PNP have fucked up and there are hardly any corrective actions, resignations or proper redress to persons impacted. I wonder if we really wonder how serious this is, when one reads of basic things as FUNGUS growing in an operating theatre; is this is the best the regional authorities can accomplish with all this time and a forced audit report had to bring this out.
The Outameni scandal and even older ones under the PNP as Trafigura where all kinds of manoeuvres are used to defray analysis and the truth coming forth; even as the Dutch authorities required materials for a court case in that jurisdiction related to the matter. When it became apparent the present PM may have to testify in that matter locally we saw the scramble to avoid same. It is clear that we cannot trust the PNP; given the gay marriage smoke screens over the years both as opposition and government. What has actually happening with the resolution of the Spaulding Market scandal, it has just withered away.
Or the Justice Minister’s latest exploits of homophobia to gain support for the Caribbean Court of Justice, CCJ or the evaporated suggested conscience vote on buggery as presented by the present PM in the 2011 leadership debate prior to the elections. The Jamaica Labour Party, JLP is no different just by its rhetoric and has not really presented any credible material for me and many others to chew on. Their prosperity series though in its eight dispensation as it chugs along the electioneering train line but I have been finding that it is losing its original vim. Leader Andrew Holness sounds OK but the rest of the crew is not sounding like him save and except for Audley Shaw for now despite his mistake on the MOH audit accusations but he has apologized as he said he was misinformed (Audley Shaw Says Sorry).
Although her presentation last evening was a well rehearsed show, indeed election politicking she sounded more in charge it is too little too late as it took unusual pressure to get the results. The apology is too late for me as the damage is done and Ferguson’s removal to another ministry is just band aid remedies to supposedly reduce or nullify the strong criticisms and upset by the public also from within the PNP support base. Not to mention the possible impacts on grant aid from the EU or the UK or Global Fund as questions may well be circulating as to the previous tranches of funds for the health sector and administration of the regional health authorities.
If Dr Fenton Ferguson couldn’t handle the ministry of health then is it the labour and security ministry he will shine; does it send a message to the latter ministry of how lesser valued they are? The technocrats there may be worrying as to his abilities. He may be a good dentist or member of parliament but management skills is obviously lacking. Newly appointed Minister of Health Horace Daly is essentially charged to address the issues but he is not a super performing minister as a certain Reverend Education Minister despite his anti gay stance cloaked in hypocritical tolerance.
Rotting systems indeed
If they report came out by April or Mayor sooner and the obfuscations avoided then a solution could have been found way earlier instead of the mess we now find ourselves in. Let us also never forget the Chikungunya virus debacle with the same minister whose tenure is questionable now.
What about the other technocrats, the four board chairmen who serve at the minister’s pleasure and executives close to the ministry(er), will heads roll as well? The now infamous four for all intents and purposes have been made to infiltrate the systems barring proper academic for at least three qualifications scripted a statement effectively insulting the media and claimed to be nauseous as to the vigilance by the media while declaring the system is the envy of the world. I want to see blood for this one as many other Jamaicans do, for too long administrations JLP and PNP have fucked up and there are hardly any corrective actions, resignations or proper redress to persons impacted. I wonder if we really wonder how serious this is, when one reads of basic things as FUNGUS growing in an operating theatre; is this is the best the regional authorities can accomplish with all this time and a forced audit report had to bring this out.
The Outameni scandal and even older ones under the PNP as Trafigura where all kinds of manoeuvres are used to defray analysis and the truth coming forth; even as the Dutch authorities required materials for a court case in that jurisdiction related to the matter. When it became apparent the present PM may have to testify in that matter locally we saw the scramble to avoid same. It is clear that we cannot trust the PNP; given the gay marriage smoke screens over the years both as opposition and government. What has actually happening with the resolution of the Spaulding Market scandal, it has just withered away.
Or the Justice Minister’s latest exploits of homophobia to gain support for the Caribbean Court of Justice, CCJ or the evaporated suggested conscience vote on buggery as presented by the present PM in the 2011 leadership debate prior to the elections. The Jamaica Labour Party, JLP is no different just by its rhetoric and has not really presented any credible material for me and many others to chew on. Their prosperity series though in its eight dispensation as it chugs along the electioneering train line but I have been finding that it is losing its original vim. Leader Andrew Holness sounds OK but the rest of the crew is not sounding like him save and except for Audley Shaw for now despite his mistake on the MOH audit accusations but he has apologized as he said he was misinformed (Audley Shaw Says Sorry).
Mr Holness speaking at a meeting says we must get up from behind the computers and put away the smart phones and act. Mr Holness needs to remember the articulate minority can change party's fortunes nowadays and lear from the very dead babies scandal and who placed the pressure on the government.
Yesterday my brother and I at the dinner table argued whether the PNP should be returned as he thought they should continue but they need to improve and cut out the promises foolishness. We are told of wind farms from Energy Minster of $89M project but let us remember we have heard such utterances before and he has not delivered. My brother also is in support of the referendum for the CCJ but never said anything on buggery, he knows I am gay as he accompanied me during my court room battle days, bail submissions and such when I was arrested for buggery in 1996.
Woe is me and indeed other would be voters as the choices are between the devil and the deep blue sea; and to think the regional electoral office called me recently to ask me to return to retake my photographs for my new national voter’s identification card only for me to arrive and see nearly some forty of fifty persons for the same thing; the ire by some present who were forced to wait for more than two hours before the retake and resigning of documents.
also see: parts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 & 7 & 8 & 9 & 10 & 11 in this series.
also check out from the Gleaner:
Portia a weak leader - Holness
Woe is me and indeed other would be voters as the choices are between the devil and the deep blue sea; and to think the regional electoral office called me recently to ask me to return to retake my photographs for my new national voter’s identification card only for me to arrive and see nearly some forty of fifty persons for the same thing; the ire by some present who were forced to wait for more than two hours before the retake and resigning of documents.
also see: parts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 & 7 & 8 & 9 & 10 & 11 in this series.
also check out from the Gleaner:
Portia a weak leader - Holness
East Portland unsettled
JFLAG Tries to Clarify its Agenda 2014
"Outdated" Bail Laws to be changed but Buggery Laws remain ... how convenient Mr.Golding? 2010
"Outdated" Bail Laws to be changed but Buggery Laws remain ... how convenient Mr.Golding? 2010
Justice Minister reiterates his personal position on the Buggery Law, Anal Intercourse, Consent & Privacy
Portia Simpson - 'Uncouth behaviour of others to make me look less than polished'
When did anyone ask for gay marriage rights in Jamaica when we can't get basic tolerance ....
Gov't Makes International Commitment To Reduce Violence Against Women, Gays (I guess we can forget this nice platitudes then?)
Opposition Leader sides with antigay groups on Referendum on The Buggery Law
Foreign Affairs Minister says Govt should be cautious on gay rights issues in Jamaica
Promised Conscience Vote on Buggery in Jamaica was a fluke
PNP’s Bobby Pickersgill differs on Conscience Vote route to decide on Buggery Law
Opposition leader (JLP) reiterates his call for a referendum on Buggery
Non Governmental Organization Consultant says JLP suggested Referendum on Buggery is not a good idea
Portia Reneges On Gay Promise says Gordon Robinson
Milk River PNP Councillor says no to buggery repeal ...
J-FLAG Disappointed With PM's Unfulfilled Promise, Though She Remains Best Hope
Non Governmental Organization Consultant says JLP suggested Referendum on Buggery is not a good idea
Portia Reneges On Gay Promise says Gordon Robinson
Milk River PNP Councillor says no to buggery repeal ...
J-FLAG Disappointed With PM's Unfulfilled Promise, Though She Remains Best Hope
Foreign Affairs Minister says Govt should be cautious on gay rights issues in Jamaica
J-FLAG now advocating for decriminalisation of same-sex acts
Buggery could dominate review of sex laws (Observer) 2014
Nuff to chew on .........
Peace & tolerance
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