This is a fundamental question, after listening to a radio discussion this morning about governance it dawned on me that many of the decisions made by our elected officials are made wholesale by them "in our interest" then we are "consulted" after the fact.
Case in point the Sexual Offences Bill that is presently in the Senate after being passed in the upper house some time ago with very little time for submissions to be prepared and presented. Then with the influx of government MPs and their friends notably the Christian right and opposition members as well pushing their anti homosexual sentiments as it is popularity that is more important than securing and guaranteeing rights and freedoms of the citizenry, gay or straight.
Take a look, when you can at posts on the SEXUAL OFFENCES DEBATE on glbtqjamaica's blog.
Chiefly among the posts is the contribution by Senator Hyacinth Bennett, educator and Principal of a popular school. Her piece as well as others such as Senator A.J. Nicholson's is of course laced with anti-gay sentiments and theocratic lines of imposing beliefs into legislation and almost preempting the legislative activities, that being the courts who should interpret law.
Why can't we see things clearly and justly for the citizenry and stop worrying about accruing popularity unto ourselves? The matter of sexual freedoms is not an imposition on society the homosexual lifestyle, there is no need for that as gays and lesbians know how to exercise their lifestyles by simply existing, we have developed ways to survive in this caustic environment.
Only a few days ago I was in a supermarket and it was obvious as a middle class looking male couple (forgive my profiling) were shopping, many looked and you could read their faces what was going through their minds, yet persons continued their business, that's how it should be ... just leave us alone.
As far as I see we already are a tolerant nation in some respects but just don't know it, but get worked up when some fool starts the crap again, then the fallout happens (nine days talk) then quiet again.
With Senators and PMs bashing us as gays "Not in my cabinet" statement where do we begin? Of course what people seem not to realise is that there may very well be gays in the Jamaica Labour Party administration but they can't be out, but there are whispers around about some names in both parties so the conspiracy continues to keep it low for the sake of popularity.
Sooner than later we as a nation are going to have to face this issue and government may have to consult the nation before enacting laws in our Parliament with an equitable outcome.
Bad Bunny
Three-time Grammy winner Bad Bunny models the Calvin Klein Spring 2025
collection, lensed by Mario Sorrenti.
6 minutes ago
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