I can remember in the 1940s when homosexuality was treated in the United States as a medical problem. There were clinics that gave male hormone injections to male homosexuals because a male homosexual has an excess of female hormones. It, therefore, stood to reason that the male hormone injections would address the problem of hormone imbalance and restore normal behaviour. There was even a case where they had to operate on a male homosexual who has a gland that was producing female hormones. The gland was removed, and the injections that followed cured the patient. There were also clinics for lesbians who had an excess of male hormones, so they were given female hormone injections. If the cause of the problem was psychological, there were treatments available as well, by a qualified psychiatrist specialising in sexual and emotional problems.
wall of silence
In the last five years, I have written to three newspapers to enquire why homosexuality is no longer treated as a medical condition. I was surprised at the wall of silence. My suspicion is that too many men in high places, politicians, businessmen, and church officials, are involved in the corruption of children and young men, who are inexperienced and gullible. These men in positions of authority want to force others to accept homosexuality as normal and they are given the blessing of the church. Such warped thinking does not lead them to see the church as a place of worship; they attend because they hear that "seats are available". God bless you.
O.J., London, England
Dear O.J.,
You are free to express your position. Anybody can attend church. That does not mean that every church accepts homosexuals as members. But no church should have on its doors or on its noticeboard, that homosexuals are not welcome to worship God.
The Bible teaches that whosoever will may come to Christ and such a person experiences regeneration through the blood of Christ that was shed on Calvary's Cross for the remission of sins.
Jesus calls such an experience 'born again'. Everyone needs to be born again, whether he be thief, murderer, homosexual, liar, etc. And the church should not close its doors on such persons when they are born again.
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