My blog friend at posted this interesting post with a question - How do you become a “Gay Christian”? here is an excerpt of his outline please follow the links to see the rest and bookmark his page there are lots of other goodies there for stimulation.
What is the primary driver behind most individuals’ urges to re-examine what the Bible has to say about homosexuality?
In other words, why did the individual see the need to study further on the issue of homosexuality?
The reason this issue interests me is because I often wonder what influence this motivation can have upon the investigation itself. In other words:
Can a desire to be free to pursue a gay relationship (because of a homosexual orientation) unduly influence the outcome of any investigative Bible studies?
In other words if you are desperately seeking to belong and to feel accepted and frankly to be loved by another man or woman; can that cause you to conclude (from studying) something that you otherwise would not have?
How do you guard against studying to come to a conclusion that you always wanted to arrive at anyway?
How many people realistically say that when they set out to study the issue of homosexuality further, they decided to accept the outcome—regardless of whether or not it would be the outcome they wanted? How many traditionalists look at the Bible and say: “If this really says that gay relationships can be blessed by God then I must accept it.”? How many (now) liberals said: “I am going to follow God’s word even if I conclude after honest examination that gay relationships are forbidden.”?
Then I have a harder question that applies to any position on the matter:
Lil Nas X and Ray Leonard
Lil Nas X and Ray Leonard star in the steamy new video for *HOTBOX*.
15 hours ago
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