"If you have money in Jamaica and you're able to hide your homosexuality, then you're ok, otherwise you're screwed." - Selena Blake
Out of Many, One People, except gays - Kingston State of Mind Blog
Some of the things said by others giving their point of view (above) I didn't want to duplicate them but truth is constant I guess. Selena's comment above rings the loudest in my head, it is true but then again it's the same "money" syndrome and association with power that has caused the unfortunate demise of many gay men including some powerful persons. Here is how I understand it, Many men in position of power and influence tend to be in a position to grant favours, help or give gifts in return for socialization with other gay or down low men from the lower socio economic class but who are breathtakingly gorgeous and well endowed. This becomes a magnet for them, there may be sexual connections involved as well for money or gifts like expensive clothes and or a foot in for a job. To be seen with beautiful men around you is fashionable from a upper class standpoint as it puts you in a perception of control of the bois.
Affects of homophobic violence
Gay men from the lower strata of society are usually the ones who are most affected by physical violence from other persons including down low men who will do anything to protect their identities. Not all cases of homophobic violence is as it seems on the surface, there is some truth to the "bad man battyman" bad man chi chi or gangsta gays operations as well where if a young man who is the object of affection from one of these gangstas refused his overtures he may find himself publicly humiliated, beaten or chased out of his community with an accusation of being a battyman (gay), an accusation he cannot refute. He may even be killed.
The higher you begin to climb the social ladder the less likely you may become a statistic of what I call direct homophobic violence where one is attacked precisely due to their sexuality and intolerance not as explained above about liaisons gone Arie. Homophobia is everywhere but at this "higher level" it is subtle or passive, it may involve ostracism from the family home, exclusion from a will, overlooked for a job promotion or educational opportunities, denied favours or respect. As subtle as these may be it can lead to horrendous results including suicide as there have been a few cases that I am aware of. The likelihood of a deep fallout and difficult recovery is not as severe as someone from a poor neighbourhood.
All in all rich gays don't get their ass whooped it could be explained as an extension of the "two Jamaicas" syndrome that is spoken of by many including a former Prime Minister Edward Seaga who spoke of the different ways the rich and poor are treated in this country.
Socialization and AdvocacyThe way we socialise as gays is also worrying to me as sometimes people literally snub others if they are not of an certain "ilk" or have certain amenities to their name, a car, an apartment, expensive clothes, a large bank account or lots of cash to treat "friends", a Degree or pursuing one are high marks for you to get in the door for certain events and people, yes this is so in the mainstream but seems more pronounced in our GLBTQ community here.
Advocacy gets affected due to lack of participation and interest as there is a perception that because "we are not one of them" then "that won't happen to me", so there is a care free whimsical attitude towards advocacy and rights regarding GLBTQ issues as many feel far removed from the realities on the ground, I think these are things we need to seriously begin to address to have any formidable cohesive strategy in dealing with our homophobic problem, the us and them structure has to go. Yes social class plays a role in advocacy as far as networking, alliances in high places but cannot become the only basis for our moving forward as a formidable force for rights and freedoms we have to speak as one.
Down low or Bisexuality componentsThe down low phenomenon is very much alive and well and is usually conflicted or omitted in analysing homophobic violence outcomes as I hinted above. Even in the DL world the "two Jamaicas" syndrome has crept in. The visible "out gay men" who are openly effeminate and upper middle class don't get treated harshly by the general public especially if they hold positions of power or money, when it comes to "eating a food" by the thug type men who want favours then it is simply ignored. However if there is a falling out then it becomes prominent again.
"eat a food" (nyam a food) = colloquial term used to coherse or convince a person for some type of gift, monetary or in kind.
There are well known cases where such girly gay men are owners of businesses or have political connections who will have rowdy thugs surrounding them everyday to run errands, play the fool if needed to so as to benefit from the spoils and money, while the gay men will use the gay thugs for protection and profiling to see who can have "real men" around them. In the Jamaican scenario real men are generally defined as thug type low waist wearing jeans, corn row hair, ganja smoking type males who are loud, rowdy and do not display effeminate type actions. However they are metro sexual in dress with bleached faces and earrings, manicured nails, expensive brand named clothing and jewellery. This high maintenance male will covertly or openly in some instances associate themselves with known gay men to gain money etc to keep up appearances.
Many of these thugs have "baby mothers" in the various depressed communities from which they originate and they send some of the monies and gifts earned from gay related activities to support their families, the strangeness about this arrangement is that though many men engage in this kind of reciprocal set up if they are to be found out that this exists it may have many outcomes. The more entrenched one is as a gangsta in their community the less the backlash for them while others have been forced to relocate locally or overseas as they have been found out to be "bad man chi chi"
bad man chi chi = gay or bisexual gangsta or gunman, usually bisexual and uses his gay connections to support his straight life or himself. Hinted to by Beenieman in a song he did
To have such a title over ones head lends itself to a loss of status, friends and even your possessions in the community of your birth and where you are a leader. Such are the rules that this could explain why down low gangstas defend to the ground their positions. If you are just an ordinary thug then you have to "tek weh yuself" or leave with undo haste, it could mean your life or that of your family if they reside in the same community.
In the middle and upper classes the down low protection mechanisms are different, mostly to save face and prestige or image. Many men marry to secure respect from family members and onlookers who expect a well educated male to do so. These men are the ones who take on the bad man chi chi type as they are enticed by the thug metro sexual image.
Some out gay man at this level tends to live alone, unmarried doesn't date and has disposable income that puts him in an unenviable position of allure and attraction from others at his level or below if he socialises.
Just my two cents see more on the "Heaviot" descriptions and stories
The curious case of these "Curious Heaviots" Part 1
The curious case of these "Curious Heaviots" Part 2
Why is "FUNNY" so funny?
Confessions of a homosexual man
Lil Nas X and Ray Leonard
Lil Nas X and Ray Leonard star in the steamy new video for *HOTBOX*.
17 hours ago
Interesting. Had not read this one before.
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