A BRITISH envoy found strangled at his home on a sunshine island may have been murdered after a gay encounter.
Honorary Consul in Jamaica John Terry - thought to have been known by the Queen - died of asphyxiation after being beaten.
The 65-year-old was found naked with a cord wrapped tightly round his neck.
Sealed off ... cops at envoy's house
He had been beaten around the head with a heavy object, believed to be the base of a lamp.
Visits ... Queen
A note was beside the body. Police sources revealed yesterday it read: "This is what will happen to ALL gays." It was signed "Gay-Man".
It also described Mr Terry as a "batty-man" - insulting Jamaican slang for homosexual.
A police source said: "It is unclear yet what the relationship was between Mr Terry and his killer. But it appears the murder occurred after the pair returned to the home together.
"It also seems from the note that something happened between them. It may be that the man took exception to Mr Terry or his actions."
Deputy Superintendent Michael Garrick said: "His head and upper body were repeatedly hit."
Mr Terry's last known movement was driving home on Tuesday night to upmarket Montego Bay.
Cops think the murder took place that night, with his body not found until the next afternoon.
Mr Terry, made an MBE in 1992, is thought to have escorted the Queen around Jamaica on several state trips.
Posh ... Montego Bay
He separated from his wife three years ago. She and their two children live in the Jamaican capital, Kingston.
Neighbours said Mr Terry was often seen with men.
Lloyd Smith, president of the local chamber of commerce, said he was "deeply shocked" at the murder.
Foreign Secretary David Miliband said last night he was "saddened".
He added: "John Terry was a key member of our team in Jamaica. John helped many, many British visitors to Jamaica over the years.
Another sad casualty of the pathology of Jamaican homophobia ...chances are if the murderer is found, he will use the "gay defense" to mitigate his sentence.
So tell me folks why do we tolerate this? When the International LGBT community calls for a boycott of our tourist industry, our music, our products, why do we instantly jump to the defense of our "country", when in reality we have no rights here? We use the argument that we run the risk of making it worse for those who are here in Jamaica if we are seen to support the boycott when in essence our country and economic circumstances would be so much better off if the laws protected our basic human rights and our welfare.
Most of us pay taxes, serve our country, earn foreign exchange, provide employment or are contributing to the society in different ways, but are somehow have less right to protection under the law (or citizenship) than "Dudus" because of our sexual orientation. I certainly don't see any member of the Government getting up and speaking out against the murder, persecution or violence meted out against members of the LGBT community .
Sorry to go off on a rant but haven't we had enough!
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