New date set for July 4
This case has had so many false starts it is not funny from prior to my departure from JFLAG after it made news, the speculation out there was hot then and even more rife today as to whether or not the matter is a homophobic killing or some sort of exploitive same gender arrangement gone bad, as we know sometimes down-low men get involved with more affluent men in exchange for material gain or access to supposed better standards of living while ignoring the "sex" of it to a certain extent.
This case has had so many false starts it is not funny from prior to my departure from JFLAG after it made news, the speculation out there was hot then and even more rife today as to whether or not the matter is a homophobic killing or some sort of exploitive same gender arrangement gone bad, as we know sometimes down-low men get involved with more affluent men in exchange for material gain or access to supposed better standards of living while ignoring the "sex" of it to a certain extent.

his former homes in St James
The last time we got any word officially on this was in 2013 when the case failed to get off the ground and it was the fourth time that the matter was mentioned infront of the same judge, then the Star News gave us an update:
Ewen was revealed to still be in police custody at the Central Police Station in Kingston on unrelated charges, forcing the murder matter to be put off for preliminary hearing on March 8.
In court, Ewen's defence attorney Trevor Ho Lyn complained that no effort was made to transport the defendant from Kingston in time for his court appearance in Montego Bay, despite an order for this being made on the last court date of September 17.
"It is a new year, but the matter of Richard Ewen has not been brought forward and he is not here," Ho Lyn told Resident Magistrate (RM) Sandria Wong-Small.
"Why is Mr Ewen not here?" asked RM Wong-Small.
"He is still in police custody in the Corporate Area. I understand that his matter there is for trial on January 23. I am not even sure it is a trial date, (and) he has always been at the Central Police Station," said Ho Lyn.
On September 10, 2009, John Terry was found dead at his home in Mount Carey, St James, as a result of being strangled. At that time Ewen, who hails from Bull Bay in St Andrew and reportedly knew the consul, was employed as a security guard in Montego Bay.
"This is the fourth time Mr Ewen has not been brought here; it seems that the only way there is going to be a change is if I do it myself," Wong-Small remarked with disapproval. "It is quite disappointing to me to hear that Mr Ewen has not been brought here."
The magistrate subsequently set a new preliminary examination date for March 8, at which time at least eight out of 20 prosecution witnesses are expected to give testimony.
Now from yesterday's session, The case against Richard Ewen, the man charged with the 2009 murder of British consul John Terry, has been set for mention on July 4.
The case was called up in the Montego Bay Resident Magistrate’s Court yesterday.
Ewen, who is of a Bull Bay address in St Andrew, received an extension of his bail from presiding magistrate Wilson Smith as the judge who had been hearing the case, Resident Magistrate Carolyn Tie, was absent.
Ewen was charged with Terry’s murder in October 2009 after he was found dead at his home in Mount Carey, St James, on September 10 that year.
Terry reportedly died as a result of strangulation.
Yesterday, Ewen’s attorney, Trevor Ho Lyn, sought to have the case deferred until a later date when RM Tie would be present to complete the matter.
Eventually, the July 4 date was selected for the case to continue.
The case was called up in the Montego Bay Resident Magistrate’s Court yesterday.
Ewen, who is of a Bull Bay address in St Andrew, received an extension of his bail from presiding magistrate Wilson Smith as the judge who had been hearing the case, Resident Magistrate Carolyn Tie, was absent.
Ewen was charged with Terry’s murder in October 2009 after he was found dead at his home in Mount Carey, St James, on September 10 that year.
Terry reportedly died as a result of strangulation.
Yesterday, Ewen’s attorney, Trevor Ho Lyn, sought to have the case deferred until a later date when RM Tie would be present to complete the matter.
Eventually, the July 4 date was selected for the case to continue.
The other two suspects who were held before in 2009 were subsequently released. It was this case though untried that has led then British born Assistant Commissioner now departed Les Green which he was involved in to engage in a wholesale dismissal of murders involving gay men as victims where he said the murders are not homophobic and are basically lovers killing each other.

His parting shot before he left Jamaica after his stint was Gay lobby claims not true, I had dealt with the matter via two audio posts/podcasts (pretty lengthy):
Big Lies, Crisis Archiving & More MSM Homlessness Issues 12.07.12 and
Big Gay Lie ... responses continued and
Homophobic Killings versus Non Homophobic Killings 12.07.12 (highly recommended)
We saw a decrying of such agitation of murders of gay persons as lies by Betty Ann Blaine as well as per usual she piggy-backs on every dribble she can use. Let us also bear in mind the public's perception however that is yet to be dented that it is gay men who are really killing each other due to jealousy as this old Jamaica Observer vox pop brings to bear:
Big Lies, Crisis Archiving & More MSM Homlessness Issues 12.07.12 and
Big Gay Lie ... responses continued and
Homophobic Killings versus Non Homophobic Killings 12.07.12 (highly recommended)
We saw a decrying of such agitation of murders of gay persons as lies by Betty Ann Blaine as well as per usual she piggy-backs on every dribble she can use. Let us also bear in mind the public's perception however that is yet to be dented that it is gay men who are really killing each other due to jealousy as this old Jamaica Observer vox pop brings to bear:
The actual case file management has been poor if truth be told as other cases that are less prominent does bring to bear the reality of homophobic and homo-negativity but those have either not made mainstream news or held the public's gaze and just not used by the lobbyists for public advocacy and the all important crisis communication arm of it. We have seen several overseas protests with this John Terry matter splashed as a homophobic killing by gay activists when we are not sure, as I always say we must wait to be sure so that we do not end up being seen as deceptive.
The last case that a public one that turned out to be a non homophobic matter was the Dean Moriah St Ann murder and although it has been established as such some integrity tainted overseas based advocates continue to parade the matter as a homophobic killing even as the familiarity component of the matter is public knowledge, Moriah named his attackers to the police just before his last breath.
See more here:
Jamaica Observer deliberately aiding the further discrediting of the remaining LGBTQ credibility in public advocacy & gay baiting?
So Dean Moriah's murder was NOT a homophobic killing ....... ethical issues in advocacy arise yet again
The last case that a public one that turned out to be a non homophobic matter was the Dean Moriah St Ann murder and although it has been established as such some integrity tainted overseas based advocates continue to parade the matter as a homophobic killing even as the familiarity component of the matter is public knowledge, Moriah named his attackers to the police just before his last breath.
See more here:
Jamaica Observer deliberately aiding the further discrediting of the remaining LGBTQ credibility in public advocacy & gay baiting?
So Dean Moriah's murder was NOT a homophobic killing ....... ethical issues in advocacy arise yet again
Outstanding Document Stalls Dean Moriah Murder Case
Homo Thugs, Observer claims Gun-toting gays creating fear in Kingston ........ endgame here?
Sexual Assault of a same sex nature 2013
Homo Thugs, Observer claims Gun-toting gays creating fear in Kingston ........ endgame here?
Sexual Assault of a same sex nature 2013
NO GAY RAGE - Homosexuals Are Not Targeted For Violent Crime, Say Experts
Betty Ann Blaine on Poverty, children and the Buggery Law .... and that awful confusion of homosexuality with paedophilia
Betty Ann Blaine on Poverty, children and the Buggery Law .... and that awful confusion of homosexuality with paedophilia
Peace and tolerance
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