Pastor Donald Stewart staging a one man protest outside the Sovereign Centre, St Andrew, against the showing of the homosexual movie, 'Brokeback Mountain' in 2006
Although a dated event the Gleaner carried the story of the apology to a pastor by Gay Star News who had the same name as another who was convicted for indecent assault, I had long had my upset as are other bloggers and activists elsewhere who have expressed discomfort in the rush to report issues by the publication without proper verification; I do not read their site anymore and have successfully encouraged others not to, local as well as international publications who are serious about operating on an ethical standpoint with truth and proper reporting with proper verification don't just rush to press in order to win the breaking news or trending race.
All this will do is further cement the re-awakened or growing mistrust between sides. The mobbing incident in May Pen aired on TVJ News is the clearest indication to that the spike in active homophobia is here again due this time due to the Bain issue and hysterical religious groups.
The same publication also misrepresented the closure of the Safe House pilot under Jamaica AIDS Support when the story was carried as if it were a homophobic causation when no such thing was in play, despite the intervention of myself, the former Executive Director of the NGO named above under whose watch the project was made to fold (not her fault) and others the publications has refused to change the story this after thousands of hits and negative perceptions arrived at. What was even more egregious was no one from the aforementioned NGOs have sought to correct the clear deception as they were glad to have washed their hands of the project but as we now see the problem has only multiplied tenfold and still no proper response.
The Gleaner's Erica Virtue, Senior Gleaner Writer wrote:
High Cost To Defame Donald - Jamaican Pastor Successfully Sues Gay Newspaper Which Libelled Him
Gay Star News, a United Kingdom-based tabloid dedicated to providing information to members of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community, has apologised to Jamaican pastor Donald Stewart, and paid damages for defamation after it accused him of being a paedophile.
The newspaper has run an apology stating that: "On 25 August 2013 we published an article and a photo of Dr Donald Stewart with the headline 'Demonologist pastor says 'homosexual issue' needs to be corrected'.
The article had alleged that Dr Stewart was a paedophile who had been convicted of two counts of indecent assault on a child as part of his role supervising the Swift Purcell Boys Home, Jamaica, in 2009.
But in its apology the newspaper said: "Dr Donald Stewart, pastor of the Portmore Lane Covenant Community Church, Jamaica, is entirely innocent of these charges and has never been arrested or charged in connection with any such offence. We sincerely apologise to Dr Stewart for the distress and embarrassment which he has suffered as a result of our very serious error and we have unreservedly withdrawn the allegation".
Gay Star News had published its story in response to a Sunday Gleaner report in which Stewart, pastor of the Portmore Lane Covenant Christian Church in St Catherine, was quoted as saying that, "somebody must stand up to homosexuals."
Last week, Stewart said he was convinced that the allegation was part of a strategy to discredit anyone who is opposed to the homosexual agenda.
"We know it's part of a strategy to cut down the credibility of people opposed to their agenda. But there is a God in heaven and my stance on homosexuality has not changed," Stewart told The Sunday Gleaner.
He said another entity operated under the moniker, The LGBT Network, picked up the story from Gay Star News and plastered it on its website.
Stewart said when his lawyers contacted the entity, they discovered that it was run by one individual, "and he begged us not to sue, as he did not have any money to settle."
"We agreed to leave it, because we would incur a cost to pursue someone from whom we could not collect. ... I was initially angered that they would stoop so low, but honestly not surprised. If they can't get you on their side they try to discredit you," said Stewart.
According to Stewart, his lawyers are now pursuing defamation cases against four entities based in the United States. "They do not want to settle, so we are going to court," said Stewart without naming the entities.
The timing of this by the Gleaner is interesting as this was from November 2013 but is only seeks to reinforce the perception the struggle is riddled with deception at nearly all levels which is frustrating to me, years of work and dialogue seem to be waisted efforts as the anti gay groups celebrate their present victories (for now) if only the right strategies to carry on the work without such perceptions clouding the vision but there are deceivers in the religious rights' corner too as the strategy to misinform and misrepresent the issues in the Professor Bain conflict of interest case is also clear to those who are really looking.
I see the same deception now being used for murders involving gay men though under investigation some over exuberant advocates have been carrying out boycott Jamaica public protests with no care to the possible repercussions that might have on those left here to fend for themselves.
We need above board and open advocacy the shady dealings will not help any. Conflict of interest accusations in reverse are now coming fast and furious all because of a lack of proper ethical operations by NGOs but if their management structures are incestuous what does one expect.
Want more distrust news see the Observer's revival of an old story involving former Programs Manager for JFLAG Gareth Henry and the Tropic Pharmacy incident:
Want more distrust news see the Observer's revival of an old story involving former Programs Manager for JFLAG Gareth Henry and the Tropic Pharmacy incident:
Police deny homo's beat up claim
Peace and tolerance
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