......then days later we were further subjected to a highly suspicious and concocted male jogger rape story in the eyes of some splashed as a headline and cartoons by the paper's resident cartoonists to boot which has to date no report from the victim, residents in the Queenhill area and joggers themselves questioning when did such event happened when persons still jog there in the early hours of the morning unimpeded
and a jogger from the area questions the veracity of the story
(Non-Existent) Male Jogger Raped by (Non-Existent) Homo Thugs could the whole thing be a gay baiting effort by the paper? I hope not. See also HERE
Their editorial seeks to try to present a forewarning posture as they saw what was coming since the Bain issue then seek further to disingenuously justify the correctness of the actions taken by the hysterical religious folks who are deliberately misrepresenting the issue for their own ends while using it to prop themselves and their previously unknown churches albeit to fatten collections plates when other societal ills that require urgent attention left unchecked, these religious fanatics certainly do not see the homeless, the corruption in government and even in their own quarters yet are hyper when it comes to homosexuality.
.....then came another attempt to destroy what credibility that is left in the all important crisis communication arm of public advocacy by reviving a seven year old report that of the murder of Brian Williamson and subsequent comments from the former Programs Manager of JFLAG Gareth Henry now comes today's editorial on the strength of the sex education, JFJ children's homes fiasco when anti gay folks are using to gather their strength to promote hate, the cartoon by Clovis only seeks to add fuel to the fire as it portrays younger children when the material was slated for 13 to 18 year olds
Their editorial seeks to try to present a forewarning posture as they saw what was coming since the Bain issue then seek further to disingenuously justify the correctness of the actions taken by the hysterical religious folks who are deliberately misrepresenting the issue for their own ends while using it to prop themselves and their previously unknown churches albeit to fatten collections plates when other societal ills that require urgent attention left unchecked, these religious fanatics certainly do not see the homeless, the corruption in government and even in their own quarters yet are hyper when it comes to homosexuality.
I do not buy the pretentious tolerance and so called non support of violence when clearly the aforementioned publications occurrences are clear in their intent.
It read as follows:
The Pushback against gays has begun:
SEVERAL editorials ago, we cautioned that the way the gay community has been conducting its campaign to gain acceptance would result in serious resistance from the Jamaican populace. That predicted pushback is beginning, and it's not only by the church.
The anguished response to the introduction of material deemed to be age-inappropriate by Jamaicans For Justice (JFJ) into six private homes for children is the latest indication of that resistance.
No one will successfully accuse us of being anti-gay in this space. We stand firmly against the beating of homosexuals and for greater tolerance of gays and lesbians as Jamaicans with rights similar to the rest of us. If someone chooses to practise that lifestyle, it is their business, if they are not trying to force it on anyone else, including children.
As late as Thursday, May 22, 2014, we noted: "...But we admit to growing unease that the gay community is not as tolerant as they want others to be of them."
It is our view that, over the years, Jamaicans have been growing in patience and tolerance, generally leaving homosexuals to do what they wish to do in private. But taking their cue from the United States, apparently, Jamaican gays have been adopting a more aggressive stance in demanding to be recognised as equal to heterosexuals. One gets the impression that, in the US, heterosexuals don't even have the right to say they disagree with the gay lifestyle, without attracting some form of punishment.
Not satisfied with blocking entertainers who have been accused of producing "hate material" advocating violence against gays from making money in some countries overseas, the community's leadership has told outright lies against the Jamaican nation, by consistently portraying gay-on-gay violence as evidence of "homophobia" and abuse of gays. This has assisted in gaining sympathy from fellow gays overseas and, in some cases, asylum and funding. But Jamaicans have been quietly seething.
With strong funding from their American counterparts, the gay leadership has also infiltrated several organisations, using harmless0sounding words like "human rights"; "marginalised youth"; "vulnerable community"; "responsible sexuality," etc. The most obvious takeover, in this regard, is the regional programme to reduce HIV/AIDS, the disease known to afflict homosexuals especially.
This is what led to the firing of Professor Brendan Bain as director of the Regional Co-ordinating Unit of the Caribbean HIV/AIDS Regional Training (CHART) Network by the University of the West Indies. Dr Bain has taken that matter before the courts and we await its outcome before making further comments.
However, it's one thing to get Dr Bain fired, but taking sexual grooming to a home for children is a horse of a different colour entirely. No excuse that contracts were signed with the homes can stand. The agency responsible for administering the home should have been informed, and so too the portfolio ministry.
Moreover, JFJ should have learnt from the stance taken by the education ministry when similar type material ended up in textbooks and was banned.
The anguished response to the introduction of material deemed to be age-inappropriate by Jamaicans For Justice (JFJ) into six private homes for children is the latest indication of that resistance.
No one will successfully accuse us of being anti-gay in this space. We stand firmly against the beating of homosexuals and for greater tolerance of gays and lesbians as Jamaicans with rights similar to the rest of us. If someone chooses to practise that lifestyle, it is their business, if they are not trying to force it on anyone else, including children.
As late as Thursday, May 22, 2014, we noted: "...But we admit to growing unease that the gay community is not as tolerant as they want others to be of them."
It is our view that, over the years, Jamaicans have been growing in patience and tolerance, generally leaving homosexuals to do what they wish to do in private. But taking their cue from the United States, apparently, Jamaican gays have been adopting a more aggressive stance in demanding to be recognised as equal to heterosexuals. One gets the impression that, in the US, heterosexuals don't even have the right to say they disagree with the gay lifestyle, without attracting some form of punishment.
Not satisfied with blocking entertainers who have been accused of producing "hate material" advocating violence against gays from making money in some countries overseas, the community's leadership has told outright lies against the Jamaican nation, by consistently portraying gay-on-gay violence as evidence of "homophobia" and abuse of gays. This has assisted in gaining sympathy from fellow gays overseas and, in some cases, asylum and funding. But Jamaicans have been quietly seething.
With strong funding from their American counterparts, the gay leadership has also infiltrated several organisations, using harmless0sounding words like "human rights"; "marginalised youth"; "vulnerable community"; "responsible sexuality," etc. The most obvious takeover, in this regard, is the regional programme to reduce HIV/AIDS, the disease known to afflict homosexuals especially.
This is what led to the firing of Professor Brendan Bain as director of the Regional Co-ordinating Unit of the Caribbean HIV/AIDS Regional Training (CHART) Network by the University of the West Indies. Dr Bain has taken that matter before the courts and we await its outcome before making further comments.
However, it's one thing to get Dr Bain fired, but taking sexual grooming to a home for children is a horse of a different colour entirely. No excuse that contracts were signed with the homes can stand. The agency responsible for administering the home should have been informed, and so too the portfolio ministry.
Moreover, JFJ should have learnt from the stance taken by the education ministry when similar type material ended up in textbooks and was banned.
Observer your deception has been spotted and some of us are keeping a close watch, it is interesting to note that dissenting comments on their pages/stories are not published only a list of homo-negative ones abound, hhhhmmmm, entertaining it eh to gain readership, especially owing to the loss of credibility post the Gore-Stew case recently and accusations of poor reporting of the matter since it was the owner of the paper that was involved.
Meanwhile Ms Gomes sough to clear the air somewhat:
Also clearly the government seeking to pounce on JFJ for years of public advocacy showing up glaring failure to address key issues by the state they are now claiming to take legal action on JFJ for the course:
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