A bizarre situation has unfolded at the Constant Spring lock up as a cellular phone was found to be lodged in an inmate's rectum yesterday, what perfect timing for this story as the Professor Bain, buggery, homosexuality and anal sex furore rages on with church groups and self righteous folk protest in a huff over the cancellation of the contract of the Professor over his conflict of interest as head of the CHART program designed to train professionals in HIV prevention and engagement of vulnerable populations.
The prisoner was held for rape a second time but this juncture at the aforementioned lockup is to undergo surgery at a cooperate area lockup its reported that he complained of extreme discomfort and was unable to perform bodily functions he was taken to a medical institution where an x-ray was performed and a BlackBerry was shown; police sources say it is not the first time he has been caught with a phone in his body cavity.
Perfect time to reawaken condoms policy in prisons I think: SEE MORE: Review Condom Policy for Prisoners 2011 and join both issues together in a sense.
Correctional services in Jamaica do not go as far as our north American or some European counterparts do in conducting cavity searches for contraband as the perception of homosexuality is strongly resisted as evidenced in years gone by when a major riot broke out at several maximum security facilities after a suggestion was made to distribute condoms to some inmates which led to several deaths to include non homosexuals as their enemies seized the opportunity to enact vendettas under the guise of labelling persons as gay. Then union delegates such as Lambert Brown turned current PNP Senator vehemently resisted the suggestion of condoms in prisons as a way to sneak homosexuality through the back door.
Correctional services in Jamaica do not go as far as our north American or some European counterparts do in conducting cavity searches for contraband as the perception of homosexuality is strongly resisted as evidenced in years gone by when a major riot broke out at several maximum security facilities after a suggestion was made to distribute condoms to some inmates which led to several deaths to include non homosexuals as their enemies seized the opportunity to enact vendettas under the guise of labelling persons as gay. Then union delegates such as Lambert Brown turned current PNP Senator vehemently resisted the suggestion of condoms in prisons as a way to sneak homosexuality through the back door.
Then first vice-president, had said that although he was still opposed to condom distribution in prisons, he had nothing against the other recommendations made.
"The fight against AIDS is not based solely on condom distribution," Mr. Brown said. "Those who are promoting condoms in prison are using the back door to promote homosexuality which is illegal." here suggesting fear.
In 1997, Lieutenant Colonel John Prescod, then Commissioner of Corrections, suggested that condoms be distributed in the prisons as a means of stopping the spread of HIV. The suggestion sparked a riot that claimed the lives of 16 prisoners, some of whom were accused of being homosexuals and as it turns out many who died weren't actually gay but prior rivalry and a golden opportunity for a disturbance led the way to the attacks. The National AIDS Committee had recommended again in 2000 to the then Peoples National Party administration launch Mandatory medical examinations for all inmates, segregation of HIV positive inmates, legal conjugal visits, a health education programme for the prison, and permission for terminally ill patients to be allowed to die at home, were also among the recommendations made to the Government which were ignored.
"The fight against AIDS is not based solely on condom distribution," Mr. Brown said. "Those who are promoting condoms in prison are using the back door to promote homosexuality which is illegal." here suggesting fear.
In 1997, Lieutenant Colonel John Prescod, then Commissioner of Corrections, suggested that condoms be distributed in the prisons as a means of stopping the spread of HIV. The suggestion sparked a riot that claimed the lives of 16 prisoners, some of whom were accused of being homosexuals and as it turns out many who died weren't actually gay but prior rivalry and a golden opportunity for a disturbance led the way to the attacks. The National AIDS Committee had recommended again in 2000 to the then Peoples National Party administration launch Mandatory medical examinations for all inmates, segregation of HIV positive inmates, legal conjugal visits, a health education programme for the prison, and permission for terminally ill patients to be allowed to die at home, were also among the recommendations made to the Government which were ignored.
Dr. Raymoth Notice medical expert in the penal system had said at the time, "...We recognise that the incidence of HIV is increasing in the general population and not only that, studies have shown that the incidence of AIDS in prison is six to 10 times greater in prisons than in the general population," also he continued "the level of homophobia and ignorance as well as the lack of resources have hampered the education process a whole lot. Before we even get to the condom issue it is important first and foremost to educate the population about AIDS. But everyone has been too afraid to do anything since the riots. There is no analysis being done, no reliable data, inmates are leaving with the disease and taking it back to their communities."
Owing to the concern of weapons being found in food such as razors in chicken meat, ice pricks (without handles) in meat bones, crushed marijuana in dumplings and even phones (wrapped in plastic) in soups and other hand made foods (dumplings, festivals, meatballs, rolls and muffins or so) there has been serious changes made to visitors rules for visits to correctional facilities in as far as taking home made meals but the cavity search is hardly done on men as I feel too in my short time in prison incarcerated and also as outreach officer in my HIV prevention days their fear of being labelled gay is real for some warders and egos can be easily bruised. I have carried other stories such as this but it is no way to suggest the persons carrying such instruments in their body cavity are homosexuals either.
It is known however that some prisoners will tolerate the practice and even pay for such methods of concealment as long as no sexual connotation is hinted, persons may even suspect that the individual in question in fact is gay but will overlook that for the greater imperative which is to smuggle in the item(s) for use inside especially by more “privileged” inmates who live sometimes very comfortable lifestyles whilst serving time. One has to make sure however that the orifice is very clean or that a bag is used to protect the item(s) from faecal matter and that hands are properly washed prior to handling the item(s) for removal and transfer. Soda bottles as also used outdoors by some males are crucial for water storage as douching agents for all important flushing cycles. Then there is Vaseline or cooking oil or lube if able to get access to it, I am a bit baffled as to the ability to house a BlackBerry device no special model number was named or whether he will be charged for contraband or even buggery (self administering in this case) but the sizes are fairly wide in diameter and he must have had the device housed or inserted for an extended period.
In 2008 I carried an entry on sister blog GLBTQJA on Wordpress where a similar story appeared in the Jamaica Star, I had poked some fun at the matter suggesting the individual was really a "battyman" as in using his orifice as a storage area for concealment: PHONE FOUND IN GANGSTA, DON’S BUTT……..A REAL BATTYMAN DIS LOL

Mobile rang in man’s body during police search!!!

In a release last night, the Constabulary Communication Network said the phone was was found in Miller’s rectum.
The police also found a cellular charger and Vaseline in the cell. The call record on Miller’s phone is currently being processed by the police in order to ascertain who he had been in contact with since he was taken into custody. Prior to his latest incarceration, the accused man was out on bail and as a condition of the agreement, was required to be at home. THE STAR learnt that the police had visited his home on several occasions only to find that he was not there. He was subsequently arrested.
He was charged with four counts of murder and three counts of shooting in 2005, but fled the island for the United States. He was deported to Jamaica last year by United States authorities and later convicted for absconding bail, for which he served nine months in prison."
The police also found a cellular charger and Vaseline in the cell. The call record on Miller’s phone is currently being processed by the police in order to ascertain who he had been in contact with since he was taken into custody. Prior to his latest incarceration, the accused man was out on bail and as a condition of the agreement, was required to be at home. THE STAR learnt that the police had visited his home on several occasions only to find that he was not there. He was subsequently arrested.
He was charged with four counts of murder and three counts of shooting in 2005, but fled the island for the United States. He was deported to Jamaica last year by United States authorities and later convicted for absconding bail, for which he served nine months in prison."
In 2010 another story of a phone in body cavity made the news again, this time in St Catherine.

The story read in part:
"The St Catherine South police seized a cellphone from a prisoner on Tuesday albeit in ‘dark’ circumstances. Information reaching The Star is that about 4:30 p.m. police were conducting a search of the lock-ups at the Portmore Police Station and upon approaching one of the 13 cells, a prisoner was said to have placed a phone in his rectum.
Vigilant police personnel extracted the Samsung phone from its hiding place. It is now in the possession of the police, who were shocked about the discovery. Other items seized during the search were cigarettes, matches and lighters.
In recent times, contraband in the lock-up has resulted in the injury of one inmate who was burnt with melted plastic while in his cell. Six other inmates have since been charged with assault occasioning grievous bodily harm.
The Star was informed that no cellphones, lighter, cigarettes or anything that can cause harm, should be in the possession of inmates. Meanwhile, investigations have started to determine how the contraband got into the possession of the prisoner."
Word of advice however do not put phones up your butt, take a dick instead lol, enough said or be like porn star Shorty J if you can manage (scene pic above) who took a phone (encased in a condom) and his partner called him to let it vibrate while inside then they proceeded after removing it to penile penetration through to climax. As for me anyway is good, I wonder what Dr Wayne West would say when he sees this lol.
additional news on buggery coincidentally Dr Kevin Harvey of the national HIV response in the Health Minister weighed in on the present impasse on Bain buggery and HIV rates in MSM:
Peace and tolerance
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