A 'loader man' (men or a few women who fetch or try to get would be passengers on buses waiting in queue for a fee or sometimes subtle extortion) who used a machete to chop a man in his back, told the court that he did so because the man made a pass at him which he did not like.
"This youth a move like him like me and waan mek love to me," said Ryan Duffus, who appeared to be still upset over the incident.
Duffus told the court that he was in Half-Way-Tree loading a bus when the young man approached him. He said an argument developed between them, the man punched at him and he took out his machete and slapped the man across his back and shoulder.
"Negative thing me nuh work wid," he added. "Me nuh waan nuh man feel like seh dem waan have sex with me."
Duffus, who was taken into custody following the February 18 incident and charged with unlawful wounding, was remanded in custody for psychiatric treatment.
However, on Thursday the magistrate, after reading his medical report, encouraged him to continue taking his medication and made a no order ruling in the matter.

"This youth a move like him like me and waan mek love to me," said Ryan Duffus, who appeared to be still upset over the incident.
Duffus told the court that he was in Half-Way-Tree loading a bus when the young man approached him. He said an argument developed between them, the man punched at him and he took out his machete and slapped the man across his back and shoulder.
"Negative thing me nuh work wid," he added. "Me nuh waan nuh man feel like seh dem waan have sex with me."
Duffus, who was taken into custody following the February 18 incident and charged with unlawful wounding, was remanded in custody for psychiatric treatment.
However, on Thursday the magistrate, after reading his medical report, encouraged him to continue taking his medication and made a no order ruling in the matter.
It is not the first time we have seen Half Way Tree original bus park where the franchise coaster buses use as scenes for issues with gay accusations and tiffs between downlown males versus more out ones. It has been rumoured for years that several of the loaders and bus crew are involved in sexual liaisons (not suggesting such in this matter) but one has to wonder as the town centre is a hub of all sorts meeting and crossing paths.
In 2011 a "gay joke" that went wrong also led to a tussle in the western side of Half Way Tree by Molynes Road that I had witnessed then and was posted here, at the time I wrote "Several of these coaster buses were on the stand with callers or loaders beckoning to passers-by during peak hour a man who approached the bus in question on which the gay joker was conducting looked in by the door but hissed his teeth and moved on to stand elsewhere apparently not pleased with the seating he desired, the conductor and the other loader men as is sometimes customary do not take kindly to such open refusals or ignoring from members of the public when they invite you to the bus of activity at the time and proceeded to describe the man as stush (selective) and probably gay as he was well dressed, the teasing among the loaders now numbered three (an intimidating form to get passengers) and the conductor commenced in typical colourful Jamaican fashion but when the conductor said that one of the loaders should go ask the "stush" male passenger for a f*** that's where all hell broke out, a shouting match began and more men from across the road joined the throng, not before the now 80% loaded bus started to move off the stand that the mob rushed the "gay joke" conductor, other persons also joined arguing that he was out of order and the "stush" man had boarded a JUTC bus some moments before all this. The angry men left behind following the bus's departure vowed that the bus will not return there to work anymore. I was amazed how this all went down and how a simple matter can blow up in no time."
see more HERE, that same year as well a brawl on a Portmore bus too was carried as well where a man was accused of "ass riding" while the bus was in transit; a featured some men enjoy doing with women but in this case it was a male that was the object of the "ride"
see more here: Brawl on Coaster Bus from Portmore ... man accused of riding another's ass while in transit
Pickpocket victim labelled gay, crowd advances then retreats ..............(2013)

actual Half Wat Tree Bus park infamous for homophobic and lesbophobic attacks for years
Pickpocket victim labelled gay, crowd advances then retreats ..............(2013)

See more: Alledged Lesbian Stabbed in Half Way Tree (Update) 2008
Peace and tolerance
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