A war of words has ensued between gay lawyer (AIDSFREEWORLD) Maurice Tomlinson and anti gay activist Dr Wayne West as both accuse each other of lying or being dishonest, when deception has been neatly employed every now and again by all concerned, here is the post from Dr West's blog entitled:
It has been brought to Testifyingtotruth ‘s attention that the following item was
posted on LGBT activist Maurice Tomlinson’s Facebook page today, Thursday
March 20th.
In the post Tomlinson accuses Dr. Wayne West, Chairman of the Jamaica
Coalition for a Healthy Society (JCHS) of deliberately lying and doing bad
science for stating in the JCHS affidavit for the court case reviewing Jamaica’s
buggery law that“ anal sex is inherently infectious”
Paragraph 53 of the JCHS Affidavit states :
” The Coalition counters that the burden and impact of HIV on men who have sex with men stems from the inherently infectious practice of anal penetration. I exhibit hereto marked Exhibits WW20a and 20b, excerpts from the NAM (National Aids Manual) AIDSMAP (UK) http://www.aidsmap.com/Anal-intercourse/page/1323531/, accessed February 19, 2014, which reports that unprotected anal intercourse carries a higher risk of sexual HIV transmission than unprotected vaginal intercourse. “
Dr. West states that Tomlinson’s correction is valid and duly noted and that the
item should have read ” the inherently risky practice of unprotected anal
Readers of this Blog can rest assured that Dr. West and the JCHS will and are
already seeking to effect the necessary correction.
xxxx E N D S xxxxx
Maurice Tomlinson
35 minutes ago near Toronto, Canada · Edited
Dr. Wayne West is a radiologist. He is also head of the Jamaica Coalition for a Healthy Society, a fundamentalist religious group that is opposed to the recognition of the human rights of LGBT Jamaicans. Dr. West has consistently used his medical credentials to push his anti-gay agenda, even resorting to blatantly unethical behaviour, for which I personally think he should be disciplined by the University of the West Indies, Mona where he works, as well the Medical Association of Jamaica.
In court documents opposing a repeal of the Jamaican anti-sodomy law he states that anal sex is inherently infectious. This blatant lie could be excused because, after all, Dr. West is NOT an epidemiologist. He therefore does not specialize in the science of how infectious diseases are actually spread. HOWEVER, his statement is at best unresearched hogwash, unworthy of the academic standards of the university, OR at worst, constitutes ethical misconduct of the highest order.
The FACT which ANY medical practitioner MUST know is that it is UNPROTECTED anal intercourse with an INFECTIOUS partner which is “inherently infectious.” By West’s logic, simply having anal sex will transmit HIV! Not true. If neither person is infectious (i.e., negative for HIV or if positive is on effective ARV treatment) then the risk evaporates. Further, if the inserting partner uses a condom, even if they are infected, the chances of transmitting HIV are significantly reduced. Instead of admitting this simple fact (which he has been PUBLICLY called out on, even by non-scientists) West persists in repeating his lie, and has even sworn an oath to it! He is, in my humble opinion, an unrepentant bigot who wants to stigmatize and demonize gays.
I call upon the University of the West Indies to reign in this fundamentalist lose cannon, or forever risk having their good name tarnished by being associated with sham science.
Now comes a status entry by Mr Tomlinson

yet his employer and attorney's have been quite clear on their decision to appeal. Then there is the bizarre revelation that in the said trial he changed his plea in the middle of the hearings with regards to the PBCJ. Then there is the matter of using old narratives in as far as MSM not havng access to safer sex implements on national television which was denied by the other persons in the said interview on CVM TV, see: Unimpressed with the CVM TV show on MSM Homelessness
also see:

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