If your ways please me I will Give you the Desire of your heart! How many Folk is out there seeking Gods Face? I must warn you when you seek His face Keep an inventory Of whats in you Heart that you desire! not riches of Gold and Silver Not a new flat screen TV Not that new car Not that new shirt made by Dolce and Gabanna But desire His Grace Hos Mercy His Favor his love his knowledge
His HEALING His Gifts of the Holy Spirit His Fresh Holy Spirit wheeeeeww What do you Desire the lord says? Love you all I speak Long Healthy Life! To that one that has sat up crying allow God to wipe away those tears of sorrow He is with you ask Him to come in your life He can do WONDERS if you ask Him to! Jesus is a gentleman He will not just break in your life and change things you have to invite Jesus In!
The repeated pollution of the Rio Cobre: Jamaica’s fragile ecosystems need
Jamaica’s long-suffering Rio Cobre, over the weekend and after a short
shower, suffered yet another “fish kill,” as the media call it. But no – it
is more ...
12 hours ago
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