Homosexuality and the Bible
Is being gay condemned by the Bible? Find out what the Bible really has to say about homosexuality. Gay and Christian? Yes!
1 Peter 2:9 "But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His wonderful light" (!)
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These are the best books we've read on the subject. Excellent resources and highly recommended!
Today's Word
How This Section Works
Calling the Rainbow Nation Home
Author: ET Sundby
A profound book grounded in Scriptural truths set around the story of one
woman's spiritual journey to acceptance and affirmation. Elaine has provided
us with a series of articles which highlight many of the books key points. The
articles are good, the book is better. "Calling the Rainbow Nation Home" will
help you, or someone you love, reconcile their faith with their sexual
orientation. God does love you - just the way you are!
God loves us and is calling us home - just as we are.
1.Our Story
Who are we and why are we here?
2.Are We Going to Hell?
Are homosexuals condemned to hell? The
question of salvation. Also recommend reading: "Whosoever"
3.Homosexuality, is it a Sin?
Many claim homosexuality is a sin? Are they right? What is sin to God anyway?
4.The Witness of our Lives
Our lives give testimony to the God we serve.
Several denominations and para-religious groups 'accept' homosexuals if they are "non practicing" (i.e. celibate). Is this scriptural?
6.Homosexuality and the Bible
Why do many in the Church believe homosexuality a sin? What does the Bible have to say about homosexuality?
- Sodom and Gomorrah (Genesis 19)
- The Levitical Law (Leviticus 18:22, 20:13)
- Shrine Prostitutes (Deuteronomy 23:17)
- Arsenokoitais (1 Timothy 1:9-10 and 1 Cor 6:9-10)
- What is "Natural"? (Romans 1:21-31)
- Strange Flesh (Jude 1:6-7)
- Jesus' Teaching on Homosexuality
7. Prejudice in the Church
Unfortunately fear and prejudice are not new to
the Church. Jesus suffered at the hands of the Pharisees and the Gentiles from the Christian Jews. We are not alone.
The Bible, Christianity, and Homosexuality
Author: Justin Cannon (The Truth Sets Free)
The Bible and Homosexuality. An excellent article written by Justin which
takes a close look at some of the clobber passages some use against
A Letter to Louise
Author: Bruce Lowe (Godmademegay.com)
Bruce, a retired straight Baptist minister, blesses us with an excellent and
thought provoking article on this subject. Someday this work deserves to be
turned into a book in its own right. Until that time enjoy the insights Bruce
brings to the Body of Christ below:
Dear Louise...
1. The Homosexual's Nature
- Unchanging
- Normal
- God Created
- Superior
2. The Homosexual's Suffering
- A Homophobic Society
- A Condemning Church
3. The Morality of Homosexuality
- The Silence of the Bible
- The Criteria for Morality
4. The Homosexual's Place
- In Society (the question of marriage)
- In the Church
Appendix A: Some Principles of Bible Interpretation
Appendix B: Bible Passages on Same-Gender Sex
- The Creation Story (Gen. 1-3)
- Sodom (Gen. 18:20-19:29)
- Levitical Law (Lev. 18:22, 20:13)
- Romans 1:21,26-27)
- 1 Corinthians 6:9-10)
- 1 Timothy 1:9-10
Appendix C: The Three Sins
- Sins of the Spirit
- Sins of Omission
- Sins of Commission
Some Talking Points on Christianity and Homosexuality
Author: Jerry S. Maneker
Talking points concerning the Bible and homosexuality.
Stories and Articles from Congregations Who Have Come
Through the Welcoming Process
Other links of great interest:
- What the Bible Says - and Doesn't Say - about Homosexuality by Mel
White (Soulforce.com)
- Homosexuality and the Bible by Walter Wink (Soulforce.com)
- The Bible is an Empty Closet by Dr. Ralph Blair (Evangelicals
- Steps to Recovery from Bible Abuse by Rembert S Truluck
- Like the Wideness of the Sea? by Lewis B. Smedes (Soulforce.com)
- Is the Homosexual My Neighbor by Tony & Peggy Campolo
- Discussion at the American Baptist Assembly: Dr. Manfred Brock
and Dr. William Hertzon II (Bridges Across)
- Confronting the Powers by Walter Wink / Vern Rossman (Bridges)
- Of Love and Justice: Toward the Civil Recognition of Same-Sex
Marriage by Alyson C. Huntly (United Church of Canada)
- Gay Bible
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