Verse of the day
JUNE 29 2008.
“The LORD will fulfill his purpose for me; your love, O LORD, endures forever- do not abandon the works of your hands.”-
Psalm 138:8 Good day to all whom read this word from God! Trusting in God knowing that He will fulfill his purpose for my Life is a reality today. The Man Jesus that I live for showed up in my life this morning! It was so clear and simple! God will use a chosen vessel! I tell all be kind to others when every you can. I was going to walmart to get flowers to make my corsage for my suit jacket ( a total dream of mine) and there was a Angel pointed out by an Angel on my cell phone. When I went to go pay for my flowers and pins and ribbon, the lady walked over and payed for my items, not knowing me nor what I was doing! Glory be to God! Love
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