Gays determined to destroy Buju
The Editor, Sir:
It seems as if 17 years after DJ Buju Banton sang Boom Bye Bye, the international gay community is hell-bent on destroying everything he does. He has already apologised; he refrains from repeating any such lyrics in his songs, yet the gay community is still not satisfied. Just recently they tried desperately to attack every show that he was set to perform on in the United States.
Now gays are quick to cry out against discrimination, victimisation, and isolation, yet they refuse to forgive this man for over 17 years. How can you practise victimisation against someone and at the same time complain when it is against you?
As talented a writer as Buju Banton is, there is no doubt he could have produced many more 'wickeder' songs than Boom Bye Bye. But he did not.
Unrealistic demands
Recently, he met with the gay community in San Francisco and they tried to make unrealistic demands on him, demands such as donating all the proceeds from Boom Bye Bye to local gay group J-Flag. This is not possible and seems more like an attempt to perpetuate the strife more than to resolve it.
Many people do not condone the gay lifestyle but that is no reason to advocate the killing of gays. Gays, in the meantime, should understand that their lifestyle is contrary to what most people have been taught and they should not seek to shove it down other people's throats. We should respect everyone rights to do whatever they want as long it is in their own privacy and it is not forced on others.
I am, etc.,
The Editor, Sir:
It seems as if 17 years after DJ Buju Banton sang Boom Bye Bye, the international gay community is hell-bent on destroying everything he does. He has already apologised; he refrains from repeating any such lyrics in his songs, yet the gay community is still not satisfied. Just recently they tried desperately to attack every show that he was set to perform on in the United States.
Now gays are quick to cry out against discrimination, victimisation, and isolation, yet they refuse to forgive this man for over 17 years. How can you practise victimisation against someone and at the same time complain when it is against you?
As talented a writer as Buju Banton is, there is no doubt he could have produced many more 'wickeder' songs than Boom Bye Bye. But he did not.
Unrealistic demands
Recently, he met with the gay community in San Francisco and they tried to make unrealistic demands on him, demands such as donating all the proceeds from Boom Bye Bye to local gay group J-Flag. This is not possible and seems more like an attempt to perpetuate the strife more than to resolve it.
Many people do not condone the gay lifestyle but that is no reason to advocate the killing of gays. Gays, in the meantime, should understand that their lifestyle is contrary to what most people have been taught and they should not seek to shove it down other people's throats. We should respect everyone rights to do whatever they want as long it is in their own privacy and it is not forced on others.
I am, etc.,
END of Letter
Some Questions to us all to ponder in fairness:
- When did Buju Banton ever apologised?
- Isn't there a responsibility that public personalities must be accountable to?
- Is it that a celebrity can say anything that comes to mind even incite hate and murder ?
- Why didn't the writer (Alvin) produce the evidence of the so called apology?
- Where and when was it ever suggested that any LGBT group wants to destroy anyone?
- Isn't it Buju who suggests human destruction by the lyrics in Boom Bye Bye?
- Where and when can we overlook people's sexual preference and just see people as people?
- Why can't we all just get along and deal with more important issues at hand?
- When will we ever realise our motto? - Out of Many, One People
My understanding is that Buju Banton has made apologies for "Boom Bye Bye." I haven't had a chance to look them up yet. Peter Tatchell says that Buju has retracted all his apologies.
One apology was made after the release of "Boom Bye Bye" in 1992. There is mention of this in the Wikipedia article about Buju. The source of the claim about this 1992 apology is Thompson, Dave (2002) "Reggae & Caribbean Music", Backbeat Books, ISBN 0-87930-655-6
We know for certain that, despite this early apology, Buju Banton kept right on performing "Boom Bye Bye." We know he performed "Boom Bye Bye" until 2004 and perhaps later. Anyway, so much for the 1992 apology.
Other apologies and retractions are mentioned in Tatchell's summary of negotiations with Buju Banton by UK groups at http://www.petertatchell.net/popmusic/buju-bantons-violations-of-the-reggae-compassionate-act.html
As you may know, Buju Banton signed a Reggae Compassionate Act form, which is on the internet at http://www.petertatchell.net/popmusic/reggaecompassionateact-bujubanton.htm Buju Banton denies that he has signed the RCA.
The "Cancel 'Rasta Got Hate' Tour" campaign http://cancelbujubanton.wetpaint.com/ is trying to deal with all the claims made by Buju Banton, his employees and supporters, and put out the truth about Buju Banton and his campaign of genocide.
One thing is for certain: Buju Banton still thinks gays should be killed http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JZ8Z0biU_Zw also http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=46PASiOjdP4
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